Sunday, October 12, 2014

Agent Provocateur

Agent Provocateur. From the 19th century French: literally "provocative agent". I can be really bad. Yo estoy malito. Right after the Shavasana final Yoga relaxation pose today, two male students start on baseball and their favorite teams. This is just where I want to go after meditation. So one says, "My brother loves the St. Louis Cardinals and I have a bet with him". I chime in, "the only thing you can bet on in St, Louis is how many more black teenagers the police are going to kill this year". He says," that's a little harsh." I say, "what's harsh is that they killed him with his hands in the air." I am très obnoxious; baseball fans deserve their practice, too. Obviously, I need more Yoga. Alas, said the Bard, "get thee to a [monastery]."


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