Friday, October 28, 2011


When Manny is having a hard time, acts out, disrespects me, and trashes good character, I ask him to write a letter to me once he calms down. It's a kind of promise. It's what we call in Reevaluation Counseling, a "Frontier Commitment." How long it lasts varies. He's a beautiful boy and a good son.

To: David Brown
I respect you, listen to you. No talking back. Everything to make life easier.

Manny Padron 2.26.11
Dad, I'm sorry I yelled, started a tantrum, and made life a whole new barrier to overcome. Those aren't my intentions. I want to be a good, hard-working person. So from now on I'm going to apply myself more in school than in friends. When I told Kenny, "someday I'm going to be your boss," he said, haha, yeah, right." But he also said, "never tell yourself you're bad at something. You just have to work harder."

a) I'm going to pay attention in class
b) I'm going to ask a question when I don't understand, especially with homework.
c) I'm going to do my homework calmly every day.
d) I will not yell at David or raise my voice.

Theme: Telling the Truth
Telling the truth is all about being honest and keeping a straight face. it's also about using your head and making the right choices. It also comes from your heart, so you don't get in trouble--or so you go to jail. It is so people can trust you to keep your word. You have to be a good friend. I want to walk through life with a clean conscience. I would go to any adult or friend with calm and order if I didn't know what the truth was. There are times when you don't know what the truth is because people are telling lies, so you have to investigate to find out the real truth. I promise never to tell a lie. Manny, 10.25.09

Dad, I'm sorry that I went against what you and Rosie agreed to and I tried to trick you guys. It won't happen again. I will be so much better. I promise to be good. I won't lie to you any more.

July 5, 2011
Dad, I'm sorry I broke the window. I've noticed that you have always been there for me and I've always messed up with you. I probably deserve to be homeless at this point but I have come to an understanding that It's really hard for you at this certain rough road in this long field trip and I understand now, but what I know for sure is that I love you and that you've been a great father to me and I haven't been appreciating it. At this point it's up to you to tell me I stay or go!

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